PLEASE NOTE: We have decided to make the two video recordings from this event permanently available to all, in line with our two previous International Colour Day online events. The recordings can be found on the following YouTube playlist:

Our event celebrating AIC International Colour Day 2023 will be a special free webinar on on Sunday March 26 at 10.00 am AEDT on Controlled Palettes in Painting, presented in association with the AIC Study Group on Arts and Design (SGAD). Virtuoso illustrator and teacher Tristan Elwell (School of Visual Arts, New York) will give the keynote presentation on the mid-20th century American illustrator and art teacher Frank J. Reilly, whose ingenious system for controlling colour in painting has influenced innumerable professional artists and illustrators through to the present, yet remains largely unknown to the general public. Tristan's presentation will be preceded by a historical introduction by CSA Vice President, NSW Division Chair and SGAD Co-chair Dr David Briggs. Please help us to spread word of this very special event by sharing our posts on the Facebook and Instagram accounts of the Colour Society of Australia, or by passing on the following link to your friends, colleagues and students:
This event continues a series of webinars organized and presented by the Colour Society of Australia NSW Division. These webinars are free to CSA members and non-members around Australia and the world.

Albert Munsell, 1915, chart from the Atlas of the Munsell Color System
David Briggs: Controlling Colour: Historical Background.
This introductory presentation by David Briggs will give an overview of the Munsell system and its development in the context of the range of colour order systems influencing art and design practice in the mid-20th century.
Dr David Briggs has been teaching classes on colour for more than 20 years, and currently teaches at the National Art School and the University of Technology, Sydney. His publications include a chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Colour and a two-part paper on the elements of colour currently in press with the Journal of the International Colour Association, and he also has two outreach websites, The Dimensions of Colour and Colour Online. David is Past President, Vice President, and NSW Divisional Chair of the Colour Society of Australia, Co-Chair of the AIC Study Group on Arts and Design and is a committee member of the AIC/ ISCC Colour Literacy Project. His courses open to the public include an 8-week online course Understanding and Applying Colour and various on-campus courses, all offered by the National Art School, Sydney.

Prepared palette
Tristan Elwell: Controlled Palettes: Frank J. Reilly and Beyond.
Frank J. Reilly was one of the most influential figurative art teachers in mid-20th century America. In his classes at the Art Students League, and later at his own school, he taught a highly systematic approach to drawing and painting, which generations of students-turned-teachers have carried on to the present day. One of his most important and influential innovations was his controlled palette, which adapted the Munsell system to figure and landscape painting, allowing complete and independent control of hue, value, and chroma. This talk will cover Reilly’s background and influences, the details of his color mixing system, and how it has been preserved, modified, and extended by artists and illustrators today.

Tristan Elwell, Self Portrait
Tristan Elwell was born and raised in Manhattan and now lives in the Hudson Valley of New York State. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1990 and has taught drawing, painting, and illustration there since 1994. His paintings have appeared on hundreds of book covers for all of the major publishing houses, including Avon, Bantam, HarperCollins, Penguin, Pocket Books, Scholastic, and Tor, as well as trading card games, magazine covers, and international advertising campaigns. His work has been honoured by the Society of Illustrators, Print, Spectrum: the Best of Contemporary Fantastic Art and Communication Arts magazine, and has been exhibited in New York, Los Angeles, and at the United Nations. Tristan's oil paintings combine meticulous technique with a unique conceptual sense and often mordant wit. A selection of his illustration work can be seen on the website of Shannon Associates LLC, New York.

Tristan Elwell, Notorious RBG
This webinar is free but registration is essential. Successful registrants will be notified by reply email and will be sent the link and instructions to join the webinar on the Zoom platform shortly before the event. To receive this email with the Zoom link, you must register by the deadline of midnight AEDT on Friday March 24th.
If you are a non-member of the CSA who would like to view a recording of the webinar, please email by March 24th to be sent a temporary link when this becomes available.