The next in the series of free webinars organized and presented by the Colour Society of Australia will be a presentation by acclaimed American still-life painter Todd Casey. Please help us to spread word of this exciting event by sharing our authorized social media posts from the Colour Society of Australia's Facebook and Instagram accounts, or by passing on the following event link to your friends, colleagues and students:

"Light reveals all the colors that we observe. Just as value and color are intertwined, so are light and color. The challenge you face when painting is to observe light’s interaction with a material and to recreate this same effect with paint on a canvas. Pigments are our way to symbolize and represent light and color. This turns out to be rather difficult to do—as you know if you’ve ever tried to paint a fleeting moment like a sunset.
Some artists respond to what they see optically, meaning they look only for the abstract shapes of color they visually experience. They don’t examine what causes those shapes of color. This is how the Impressionists worked. They were interested in capturing the fleeting moment and the beautiful color of light. Other artists combine this optical approach with a conceptualization of what is occurring between the light, the object, and their eyes and brain. This additional understanding of light can help you when making decisions. Science and art coexist".
- Todd Casey, The Oil Painters Color Handbook (2022).
In this presentation Todd Casey will talk about his approach to painting that is centered around conceptualizing light and color to give the optical illusion of form. He will show how he creates a painting from start to finish and how light and color are the main factors for his decision making.
Todd M. Casey is an award winning painter, teacher, and the author of The Art of Still Life (2020) and the The Oil Painters Color Handbook, to be published later this year. He is mostly known for his still life paintings in the contemporary realism genre. While his work is classically styled, it is progressive in approach. Every painting has a tale to tell, brewed from a deep well of introspective thought. His paintings have been honored with awards several times in recent years. Most recently, he won first place four times at the Portrait Society of America’s Members Only Competition, and a Gold Medal from both the Allied Artists of America and the Hudson Valley Art Association. His work can be found in collections throughout the world. He is represented by Rehs Contemporary Galleries in New York City, NY. When not painting, writing, or illustrating, Todd teaches classes for the Massachusetts College of Art and The Academy of Art University Online, The Art Students League of New York, and through private online classes and workshops. Find out more about Todd on his website at

Todd M. Casey, The Entomologist, 2018
This webinar is free but registration is essential and limited to 100 participants worldwide, so early registration is advised. Successful registrants will be notified by reply email and will be sent the link and instructions to join the webinar on the Zoom platform shortly before the event. To receive this email with the Zoom link, you must register by the deadline of midnight AEST on Friday May 27th, but please note that some recent webinars have been booked out well over a week in advance.
This event continues a series of webinars organized and presented free of charge by the Colour Society of Australia NSW Division. These webinars are free to CSA members and non-members around Australia and the world, but as a reward to our members we make bookings available to members-only for about a week before they are open to non-members, to ensure that no member need miss out on a place provided that they register promptly, and we also make all our webinar recordings permanently available to CSA members. CSA membership is open to all at
If you do not plan to attend our webinar live, please do not register for this event, as it is subject to a limit of 100 registrants. Instead, if you'd like to view a recording of the webinar, please email by May 27th to be sent a temporary link when this becomes available.