We are very saddened to advise that Max Luescher, a long term member of the NSW Division of the Colour Society of Australia, slipped away earlier this month after a long battle with illness.
Max began his technical career in Switzerland in the field of analytical chemistry. After migrating to Australia he joined Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical company Geigy in 1964 and was in charge of technical service for surface coatings, printing inks and plastics. When Geigy merged with Ciba forming Ciba-Geigy Max continued as Technical Manager for pigments and additives in the paint industry until 1992. He was the mastermind behind the 1996 edition of the AS2700 Australian Colour Standards for General Purposes.
Max formed his Chromos Consulting Company in 1993, dealing with pigments, colour display on computer monitors and other colour science related matters until his retirement in 2002.
Max was a member of the founding committee of the CSA when it joined the International Colour Association (AIC) in 1987. He was a most active member for many years attending all of our speaker meetings together with his wife Hanni. He also regularly gave presentations in the field of colour science at meetings and at our national biennial conferences. He was also a member of the organising committee for the 1999 CSA national conference "Colour Interaction" held in Sydney. Max was also a very active contributor on committees for several of the Sydney CSA national colour conferences.
Max was the expert and man to go to for explanations of colour science and technical colour matters. Always open to discussion with designers about the ever-elusive phenomena of hue shifts under different sources of illumination. A legacy of Max’s work is his research in this area that led to the development of a computer program designed to quantify hue shifts under different illumination.
We will miss you Max,
Rest in Peace.
We hope to advise at a later time of the date of Max's funeral, which has been postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus situation.