Symbolic Colors of India Sensational
The Colour Society of Australia Western Australian Division invites you to attend their in-person presentation on Colour symbolism in different cultures: China and India with Huilin Sun and Anita Grewal. Anita Grewal grew up in India and has tertiary qualifications in Visual Arts earned while working in Canberra. She previously taught mathematics in a wide range of countries where she developed a love of photomedia. Huilin Sun is a lecturer in Chinese Studies at University of WA and will tell us about the three streams of Chinese colours related to levels of society.
BYO lunch, with additional food from both cultures. Workshop in the afternoon
Cost at the door: Members $5, Non-members concession: $10, non-members $15. Cash preferred.
We will gladly welcome you as a visitor to see what we are about. Please RSVP for catering purposes to Ruth at
Chinese Traditional Color Palette Luuuka Studio
ARBN 632 739 292ABN 74173598045I Incorporated in Victoria - Registration Number A0023071X
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