Our conference theme:
Colour Sense and Sensibility explores the pervasive impact colour in our natural and constructed environments has on our senses and on our emotions and attitudes. Participants consider how their own work involving colour may shape others’ visual experience for communication purposes.
Our speakers and participants:
- Designers, artists and other colourists whose work uses scientific or philosophical understanding of colour,
- Colour educators whose teaching programs span the art-science divide,
- Scientific, historical and other researchers who believe that their insights about colour have relevance beyond their specialised areas of interest.
Conference program outline
DAY ONE: Thursday 12 October: Meet at 6 pm at Bathers Beach, Fremantle, on the seafront behind the Bathers Beach Restaurant. Distribution of Welcome Packs and evening beachside welcome as the sun sinks into the sea. At 7 pm we have a “meet and greet” dinner at Bathers Beach Restaurant (cost included in Registration Fee for whole-conference participants). See bathersbeachhouse.com.au.
DAY TWO: Friday 13 October – at the old Fremantle Hotel Ballroom, now part of Notre Dame University, corner High St and Cliff St, Fremantle.

- 9:00 am: Registration
- 9:20 am: Welcome to live and Zoom participants, Mike Dixon, CSA National President, and WA Committee
- 9:30 am: Orientation of our theme, referencing Fremantle’s colours, Tony Marrion
- 9:45 am: Colours of Objects and Colours of Light, Keynote Speaker and past National President Dr David Briggs
- 11:00 am: Art Between Cultures, Deborah Bonar
- 11:40 am: Psychology of Aesthetics, Ruth Marrion
- 1:20 am: The Colour Orange, Juliet Albany
- 1:40: International Colour Literacy Project, Maggie Maggio, live from Oregon USA and Collette Harrison, live from Manchester UK, with Dr Paul Green-Armytage chairing discussion of the international Colour Literacy Project
- 3:10 am: Coloured Reflections, Dr Dianne Smith
- 3:50 am: Salle des Departs (Colours for Discharge Rooms in hospitals), Estelle Guerry
In the evening:
- Colour Banquet in our Ballroom venue. Separately priced, partners welcome to attend. Details TBA.
DAY THREE: Saturday 14 October: The Grove, corner Leake St and Stirling Highway, Peppermint Grove, usual home of the WA Division. The Library here houses our Book Collection.

- 9:00 am: Registration
- 9:30 am: Textile Colours from Plants, Trudi Pollard
- 10:10 am: Colours of Fungi, Roz Hart
- 11:10 am: The Nature of Redness, Natalie O'Connor
- 11:50 am: Language of Music and Colour Workshop, Tony Marrion
- 2:00 pm: Colour Games Workshop, Dr Paul Green-Armytage
- 3.50 pm: Exploring Orange: letting your own creativity shine
- 4.30 pm: “Thank you” Speeches and Farewell
Conference close – social drinks at the Albion Hotel opposite our venue.
DAY FOUR: Sunday 15th October Optional Sight-seeing in WA:
For those who would like to see more of WA and each other, we have two colourful outings planned that you can choose from:
1. Guided tour of Kings Park Botanic Gardens during our Wildflower Festival, morning or afternoon. Buy your own lunch, picnic, eat under an umbrella or at the café or the Restaurant. Wide city views and War Memorial.
2. Tour of Cypress Farm and Gardens, Waroona. This is a rare opportunity to visit this magical place, deep in the forest south of Perth, and to hear from part-owner and eminent botanist Professor Kingsley Dixon. The garden has a growing collection of native and exotic plants, including waratahs and tree ferns, Japanese maple, roses, orchids and water lilies. It is described as a ‘work in progress’ with the addition of extensive water features and walk trails.
Kingsley Dixon was the founding Director of Science at Kings Park and Botanic Gardens and currently has the title of John Curtin Distinguished Professor in the School of Molecular and Life Sciences at Curtin University. He is known for identifying the chemical component in smoke that plays a key role in the germination of Australian plants. He has also been the first to describe a number of plant species, including the rare sandplain duck orchid that has been named for him: Caleana Dixonii.
Price $70 plus catered picnic lunch. Find out more details here: https://cypressfarmandgarden.com
Conference pricing
Two full days, including Thursday’s welcome dinner and lunches and teas:
- $240 - members
- $280 - non members
- $180 - concession
- $120 - student
One full day (Friday or Saturday), including lunches and teas. Thursday evening’s welcome dinner can be added to either day at $70 per person.
- $150 - members
- $170 - non members
- $100 - concession
Friday night “Colour Banquet”: $85.
- $50 (includes access to recordings after the conference)
Zoom registrants will be sent the link to the whole day’s program for Friday 13th October shortly before the conference. You can then decide which sessions you attend from the program outlined here (all times are AWST).
Registration is open on our registration page at https://coloursociety.org.au/event-5389417
If you are flying into Perth there is a train station at the airport, and you can take the train all the way to Fremantle, with one change at Perth Station. From there you can take a free CAT bus to the nearest stop to your accommodation.
Car parking in the daytime is very limited. Try our excellent public transport system to get to Fremantle and Peppermint Grove. Go to www.transperth.wa.gov.au to plan your journey.
Things to see and do in Fremantle: Go to visitfremantle.com.au. Includes accommodation possibilities.
There is accommodation in Fremantle for every size of wallet. Old Fremantle Prison has many styles of accommodation. Quest apartments would suit a small group. The Esplanade Hotel is very convenient to our venue. Booking accommodation in Fremantle is best done as soon as you decide to come.
The CSA WA Committee looks forward to seeing you in October! We have 70 “live” places, some of which are already taken. We suggest you talk to any significant others about coming as soon as possible, then take action on flights and accommodation without delay.