Our Dwellingup weekend away started on Friday afternoon. Those who were able to arrive mid-afternoon went out walking, took photos and admired late afternoon sunshine on the autumn leaves and bush. Our sense of perception was honed by our previous exercises in ‘Walking Looking Seeing’. After setting the fire and sorting the evening arrivals we all set off for a brisk walk to the ‘Dwelly’ pub for dinner. A highlight of the walk home occurred when Paul produced a fan deck from his back pocket and challenged us to differentiate the hues by the ‘night light’, almost impossible. A lively discussion followed as we observed ‘The Colours of the Night’.
The structure of our ‘weekend away’ was activity driven workshop projects. We were out on Saturday morning, observing, photographing, and gathering ‘things’ from the bush and trail around us; enjoying the sunshine until the forecasted rain drove us back to the warmth of the fire and fresh pizzas from the pub for lunch. The afternoon ‘bucketed down’ but we were happily engaged sticking, gluing, creating, observing, explaining, and discussing our projects and all things colourful……by the fire.
Saturday evening meal was delivered by Polly Campbell “Wild Thyme’ catering, a delicious roast followed by apple pie and ice cream. Saturday night concluded, in due course, with a colour quiz, competitive and not without the controversy. A colour quiz would not be a colour quiz in our group without some controversy.
Sunday morning was spent examining our ‘bush creations’ from the day before. Each artist had the opportunity to explain their work and we marvelled at the range of ideas and the depth of creativity sourced from the Marri Forest during the Makuru season. After a ride on the steam train, participants headed home at their leisure, some staying on to enjoy lunch in Dwellingup and a visit to the beautiful Lost Eden Creative art gallery.
A lovely winter get-a-away honing our Walking Looking Seeing skills.
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