Encaustic painting is an ancient technique in which heated beeswax is combined with a natural binder and ground pigments to create glossy, translucent and almost sculptural effects. Costa Rican Australian painter Randal Arvilla will discuss the history of encaustic painting from Greco-Roman encaustic portrait paintings on sarcophagi in Egypt and Tunisia through to contemporary international artists, along with recent developments in pigments and technology. In Randal’s own work encaustic is combined with diverse media including oils, oil sticks, graphite and collage. Each work is built-up mark upon mark, layer upon layer, in a process of addition and subtraction, creating visual depth and physical texture. Randal’s bold use of colour and decisive mark-making lends his artworks an expressive and atmospheric intensity, while nuanced themes of cultural identity, memory, loss and place thread throughout his work.
Randal Arvilla is a leading proponent of encaustic technique in Australia. He studied painting at the National Art School in Sydney and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of San Francisco. Since 2012 Randal has held three solo exhibitions in Sydney and has also exhibited in numerous major art prizes and curated group shows. Randal teaches encaustic painting workshops in Costa Rica and at the Willoughby WAC in Sydney.
Workshop Arts Centre (WAC), 33 Laurel Street, Willoughby. $20 non-members, $10 CSA members; $10 students. Willoughby WAC staff and students free(but please book!). Inquiries phone 0416 737 559.
Please register by Friday Nov 1 to assist with catering.
Four recent encaustic artworks by Randal Arvilla
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